Hope in Love Read online

Page 9

  She couldn’t wait to shop again but next time she’d take money.

  After returning home, she donned a pair of black designer jeans Patricia said she simply had to have. They fit like a second skin and felt great hugging her hips. The thong she wore would take a little getting used to though. Her low-cut silk top was a soft peach color that accented her caramel complexion. The tan, strappy, five-inch Betsey Johnson Daker heels she wore were all the new rage according to the advertisement in the store window. She felt statuesque standing at her new height.

  Would Ram like it? Yael remembered what Patricia said to her—do not fall in love with him.

  But she feared it was too late for that.

  * * * * *

  Ram waited patiently for Yael’s return.

  He visited each store she shopped at and erased the security videos that neither woman had considered. She would look fabulous for weeks on end if the amount they spent was anything to go by.

  His problem remained how to prevent this in the future. He would, of course, see to it that she had all the money she wanted. But he also needed to impress upon her the responsibility she carried in protecting the power he’d given her. Nona’s words rattled incessantly through his mind.

  Do not lose her to yourself.

  He feared he had created a monster. The remedy would be to make her aware of the problems that could arise from her misuse of her new ability.

  Deep inside, Ram knew the real truth.

  Yael needed to conceive. And soon.

  “Did you enjoy your shopping?” he asked from a dark corner of the patio.

  She jumped at the sound of his voice.

  “Uhh…yes. Ram, I…”

  “It has been handled. You can wear your new finery without feeling like a shoplifter.”

  “I didn’t intend…”

  “Yael, I should have made sure you had access to money. I’m aware of its usefulness here and you were not. My apologies.” As he looked at her, he forgot the sermon he should deliver on the woes of using her newly acquired powers of dematerialization.

  Yael was hot.

  Ram’s eyes took in the total package. He wasn’t sure he liked the hair. He would miss the ringlets that used to grace her round shoulders. The black jeans fit her full hips so tight, he wondered how she got into them by herself. And how did women stand on those skinny heels? But damn, the shoes looked good on her.

  The swell of breasts that peeked at him from above the little top she wore made him want to reach in and set her nipples free. They strained against the material and begged to be pinched. His hands curled into fists to stop him from doing just that.

  He did nothing to conceal the erection that filled the front of his slacks. He wanted her, and he wanted her now. Screw his promise to give her privacy, he pushed a mental picture to the forefront of her mind of exactly what he wanted to do to her.


  He laughed at the way her voice squealed.

  “I won’t apologize, Yael. Do you have any idea what you look like standing there? Christ, what do you expect me to feel? You’re so damn sexy I want to eat you up.”


  She saw the lust in his eyes and she must have liked the vision of what he wanted to do to her. If the delicious scent emanating from her body was anything to go by, she wanted it too. He thought about the act he put in her mind. Her hips raised high and ready for him. His cock wanted to storm her ass. Shit, he had to stop this or he’d rip the new jeans from her and take her right here.

  “Hi guys.” Patricia stepped onto the patio.

  “Hello,” was the only word Yael could get past her lips. Ram almost chuckled at the shocked look still gracing her face.

  “So, Ram, how do you like her new look?”

  “I, umm, I think she looks real good. But we do need to talk about your little shopping extravaganza.”

  “Yes, I know. We intend to go back tomorrow…”

  “It’s been taken care of. In the future just let me know. And until Yael is familiar with Miami, I would prefer she not use her ability to vanish. It could pose a problem were she to turn up unexpectedly in the wrong place. Like a bar.”

  “Oh that. Don’t worry, I was aware of where we were. Raph and I visited there many times. The people are great.”

  “Patricia, please understand me. I don’t want Yael in those sorts of places.”

  “Ram, what sort of place am I allowed to frequent?”

  “It’s just that bars attract a different type of crowd.”

  “I’m not sure I understand. We had margaritas and something called nachos with cheese. Everyone treated us very nice.”

  “Yael, it’s difficult to explain.” Ram started to pace. He’d never had to explain himself.

  “Perhaps it would be easier if you gave me a list of the places I can go?” The bite in her tone surprised him and it didn’t suit her.

  “Wait,” Patricia said. “This is my fault and it won’t happen again. You’re right. I forgot Yael isn’t familiar with the city or…this time. I didn’t intend to abuse your hospitality.”

  “It’s my home too, Patricia. You only did what I asked. Perhaps Ramiel can suggest a new way for us to explore the city because I do want to see more of it. Ram?” Her eyes bored into him and he couldn’t believe she questioned him. She wouldn’t like his solution.

  “In fact I do. I’ve procured the assistance of someone who’s very familiar with the area. He has my complete trust and is at your disposal.”

  “So I am to have a babysitter?”

  “It’s not like that. I’m only concerned for your safety.”

  “I see. So, I am to have a…guard?”

  “You’re making this difficult, Yael, and it need not be. You may travel anywhere you wish. I want to know where you are and that you’re safe at all times.”

  “And who is this person?”

  Ram called for Osce. He watched the women’s reaction when he appeared on the patio. Both stood stock-still.

  Osce was tall and brown-skinned. His black hair braided in one long, shiny plait touched his waist. He wore a plain white, button-down shirt and leather pants with a belt that held a small brown leather pouch. His soft-soled black shoes didn’t make a sound as he crossed the patio to where Ram stood. The only adornment was a thick gold chain around his neck with a locket attached.

  His presence commanded attention. The light brown eyes didn’t seem to move but they took in everything. That was why Ram had asked for his assistance.

  Osce had been born not far away and spent the majority of his living life in Florida. He became exulted in 1838 but remained in his homeland. The heavens couldn’t hold him. He refused to answer to anyone he didn’t like, which was just about everyone.

  This part of the country was known to him like no one else, and he could move among the streets or the lofty houses of the rich and famous. For all intents and purposes Osce was a ghost who could maintain a living form when he chose to.

  He was also deadly as hell and Ram considered him a friend.

  “Osce, I’d like you to meet Yael and Patricia.”

  He bowed and nodded to each woman. “Ladies,” he greeted them in a low voice.

  “And how do we get in and out of your swamp?” Yael asked.

  “Osce, take the women wherever they’d like to go. I ask only that you keep them safe.”

  “I’m honored. Their wish will be my command.”

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to take care of. Enjoy yourselves.”

  * * * * *

  Ram thought the time might be right to visit Michael and ask him to find something else for Raphael to do. He’d suggest that Raph keep his eyes on the unrest in the Basque area. That would also keep him far from Yael.

  He heard Michael’s acerbic voice before he fully materialized.

  “Ramiel, you had better have a good excuse for your folly or that flag pole between your legs will never be at peace.”

  “I couldn’t let her be alone in the Everglades without some way to leave should an emergency arrive.” Michael was upset he’d given Yael the ability to dematerialize.

  “I see. Let’s not mention even I cannot enter your domain there.” Ram watched Michael’s hand flutter in irritation. He had something else on his mind. “So how did the shopping trip go?”

  Ramiel couldn’t resist smiling.

  “Michael, she is so beautiful and so happy.”

  “Good. We will hear soon that she is with child?”

  He wasn’t prepared for that question. But it reminded Ram of his sore cock. It lived against his zipper nowadays. Had it not been for Patricia, Yael would be facedown on his bed with him buried deep inside her. He couldn’t wait to see how easily those jeans would slide down her thick thighs. He pulled his attention back to Michael. He had to answer his question.


  “I suppose you had good reason to release Osce?”

  “Yes, and before you ask, I told Uriel.”

  “Is there anything else you need to tell me?”


  “Then I suggest you get busy.”

  “Uhh, there is one other thing. With so much unrest in the Basque region, perhaps Raphael could be of help there? I’ve been unable to give it the attention it deserves.”

  “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you wish to keep him from the exulted?”

  “Perhaps a little.”

  “I see. I’ll let him know immediately. I’m sure he can’t wait to be rid of Lucifer. Ram, be careful. I’m not sure what you are playing at but there are some things that just cannot be. Do I make myself clear?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Michael.”

  “Have a nice day. Go procreate.”

  “Goddammit,” Ramiel cursed. “Pisses me off when he does that shit.” Instead of using his powers, he climbed soaking wet out of the swamp. This wasn’t his domain and the alligator on his ass wasn’t friendly. He grinned at the lumbering creature behind him. It stopped and turned back to his watery abode.

  Ram vanished back to his home to find it once again empty.

  “Hell and damnation, haven’t they shopped enough? At this rate I’ll never get to touch her again.”

  Feeling the strong pull of the hopeless masses, he disappeared.

  * * * * *

  “What are you doing here, Luke?” Ram asked as he arrived on the rooftop.

  “You’re going to need help with this one, plus I wanted to catch up on how things were going with Cupid’s arrow and all that mushy shit.”

  “Fuck you.” Ram didn’t have time for this. Blood literally ran down the windows inside the convenience store. “Christ, what are they doing to each other this time?”

  “Seems the guy hiding behind the trash bin in the black hoodie robbed the store, and the man lying in the street with the green shirt tried to stop him. He’s shot in the back. Guess you’ll have to decide if he makes it or not. There are two more inside. Not sure about them yet, but Hoodie-man is definitely mine.”

  “So why haven’t you snatched him up yet?”

  “Watch and catch up, would you?”

  Police sirens bleated as two cruisers careened down the street and screeched to a halt. The officers jumped out and crouched beside their vehicles. Their radios barked back and forth with information. No one saw the culprit yet.

  Ram saw the situation might get worse. Unlike Luke, intervention could be used at his discretion. He froze the scene in front of him.

  “Damn, man, you’re no fun.” The devil frowned.

  “Luke, grab Hoodie and get out of here. Now.” Ram wanted to get home.

  “All right already, no need to be snippy.”

  Luke, attired in a sharp black suit, his hair impeccable as always, jumped forty feet to the ground and landed in front of Hoodie. Ram was sure the punk pissed himself by the way his eyes were stretched wide, his jaw slack. But Hoodie still had some juice in him. He raised the gun, pointed it at Luke’s head and pulled the trigger.

  Maybe he should have more compassion, but this man asked to die. Ram smiled at Luke’s trick. Blood flowed down his face from the gaping hole in his head. He stretched his arms in front of him and did his zombie act.

  “I am a dead man walking.”

  Hoodie, gun now at his side, backed down the alley until his body hit a wall.

  “Oh God, help me,” he cried.

  “You freaking piece of shit. How dare you even say his name?” Luke grabbed the killer and snatched him right through the pavement. The Devil wouldn’t relieve him of any of his pain on the trip to Hell. And this time he didn’t blame him.

  The body that lay at the foot of the wall no longer contained a soul.

  Ram floated down and landed beside the dead punk. He picked up the gun and placed it back in his hand.

  The headlines would read Gunman robs convenience store, injuring three. He then went into an alley and shot himself once in the head.

  Sadness dug into his heart. The man in the green shirt would live. No one else need die this day.

  Ramiel really wanted to go home. He hoped Yael would be there.

  Chapter Ten

  They stopped to have refreshments. The table Yael occupied with Patricia and Osce was located in a quiet corner of the restaurant. She thought about Ramiel. When he’d stood on the patio earlier, she noticed his eyes were the most brilliant blue she’d ever seen them. They reflected no pain, no death. Only his need for her. He seemed different. Happier. Lord, let it be because of me.

  She peered at Osce and wondered about his friendship with Ram. Osce’s eyes were like dark liquid gold and pierced her like an arrow. They seemed to never move, yet saw everything. He sat with his back ramrod straight and his long legs stretched in front of him. Legs like small tree trunks.

  He was almost as tall as Ram and had a broad, muscle-laden chest. A straight nose regally sat above a pair of lips that would make most women scream in pleasure. A handsome devil. Yael smiled at her colloquial use of one of Lucifer’s many names, but Osce fit that image in her mind.

  She could see Patricia felt the same because she had not taken her eyes from the man. She was smitten. And when he gazed at her, his whiskey brown eyes darkened. Yael wasn’t sure, but she thought she felt energy emanate from her friend as she tried to put an enthrallment on their guard. She even noticed a slight quiver around his lips as though he fought a smile. How smart Ramiel was to have picked Osce.

  He had yet to say a single word. Not since his last words to Ramiel—their wish will be my command. And it had been. They dragged him through store after store, but bought nothing. Yael just enjoyed the idea of shopping and looking at all the pretty things. She didn’t need anything after their previous trip. At least not yet.

  Her friend wanted Osce to pay attention to her as a woman, not just a body to guard. But he had stoically avoided that situation so far.

  “It’s so hot,” Patricia said as she loosened the top two buttons of her thin, sleeveless blouse. The mounds of her breasts peeked out above the piece of material she flapped to either side. Yael noticed she had chosen a shirt to wear that made her eyes look even bluer.

  “Yes, it’s the humidity. My homeland was very dry. But I like the heat.” Yael was tired. “I think it’s time we return home. Perhaps Osce has other things he needs to see to.”

  Earlier she’d been stabbed with a feeling of sadness that came from Ramiel and she wanted to get back to him.

  “I am completely at your disposal,” he replied.

  “He does speak then. I thought that honor would only be bestowed on an angel.” She saw Patricia’s mouth curl in a smile as she poked fun at Osce. She flipped her long black hair across her shoulder.

  “Then you would hear my voice often,” Osce said, piercing Patricia with his eyes.

  Yael watched her friend with interest at this turn in the conversation. She too had begun to wonder if he wo
uld ever speak again. And this was the first sign he showed of having noticed either of them.

  Patricia nervously fluttered her hands to her throat. But Yael could tell she liked what she heard. She’d never seen this side of her friend before. Of course, above, everyone acted more reserved.

  “Shall we go then?”

  Once they hit the walkway outside and turned into the alley, they would vanish before anyone noticed them. Their bodyguard traveled through space and time without disturbing a single molecule. No one would even feel the air disturbance that accompanied dematerialization.

  * * * * *

  Osce disappeared to wherever he’d come from, Patricia rested in her room, and Yael sat with Ram on the patio watching the red sun melt into the horizon. The wine must have been to her liking because she accepted a second glass.

  “Did you enjoy your afternoon out?”

  “Yes, very much,” she said.

  “I didn’t notice any more bags.” He didn’t know where they would put everything if she bought more. The closet brimmed with dresses of every type. All of which he could have fashioned for her but she seemed to like shopping. He could always enlarge their room.

  “We window-shopped.” Ram like the way her face lit up in smile.

  “Would you like to go out to dinner tonight?” He’d rather stay there and take her to bed but he would love to see her in one of her new dresses. He must admit, Patricia had an eye for fashion, especially if everything they purchased fit and looked as good as the jeans she still wore. He remembered what he wanted to do to her ass earlier.

  “I’d love to, but I don’t want to leave my guest alone.”

  “Osce can accompany us. Do you think that would be to her liking?”

  “Oh, I think she’d like that a lot.” Yael’s smile told him she suspected the same thing he did. “I’ll go shower and get ready.”

  Ram remained on the patio and reflected on his friendship with O. He’d felt the electricity in the air between him and Yael’s friend. Osce might prove to be even more helpful than he initially thought. If he occupied Patricia, Ram could have more time with Yael. Bringing Yael to his domain on Earth was supposed to give him more time with her but so far it hadn’t worked out that way.