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Hope in Love Page 7

  * * * * *

  Mended, Ram arrived on the patio. He took one step and his mouth fell open. He couldn’t move. Glad she faced away from him, he took the needed time to recover. What had she done to the lovely dresses he left her with? It appeared she’d sewn a hem on the strapless dress by using the other dress’s material. And she’d made a shawl to cover her shoulders. The shoulders he hoped to see bare all night.

  “You were unhappy with my choice of clothing?” he asked.

  Yael jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to face him.

  “Well there was scant material there. You couldn’t really call it a dress. My knees showed beneath the hem.”

  “You have beautiful knees.” He watched the red creep from the top of her chest to the roots of her brown hair as his eyes roamed over her body. To him, all of her parts were quite spectacular. He wished she had left her coppery tresses to hang loose.

  “It made me feel naked.”

  “It’s fine. I only wanted you to feel a part of this time. If you are more comfortable in the longer style,” he waved his hand at her outfit, “by all means, it is what you should wear.”

  The black strappy shoes peeked at him from underneath the long hem of the dress which fitted like a second skin. He hid a smile. He couldn’t wait to see her hips sway across the room in the three-inch heels. Yael, already very tall, still only reached his chin with the additional boost in height.

  “If you’re happy, so am I,” Ram said. “Let’s go. The place I’m taking you to is famous for fresh fish. They fly it in from the Mediterranean every day. It’s very romantic and we’ll have a private room so there is no need for you to worry.”

  “Fly it in?” Her head tilted sideways in question. “I know we are somewhere called Florida. How far is my homeland from here?”

  “Many thousands of miles. Do you want to see how it’s changed?”


  She gripped tight to his arm and Ram took them to the restaurant.

  * * * * *

  He had been here many times and there would be a private room for him. He opened the door and allowed her to enter first. He felt her body tremble. Perhaps this wasn’t a good idea, he thought. She seemed very uncomfortable.

  “Yael, I can ease your tension. I won’t invade your privacy. I’ll just relax you a little, or we can return home if you like?”

  Ram wanted her to enjoy herself, but not if it would be traumatic. She looked as if she’d bolt at the slightest sound. To his knowledge, she didn’t visit Earth with any of her cohorts.

  Yael hadn’t returned below since the period B.C.—before Christ.

  He watched gold flecks glitter in her eyes as they darted around the dimly lit room, and she took deep breaths. She wouldn’t allow him to calm her. He’d done everything to make her feel safe. Why did she still fear him so? Her benefactor should have made sure she experienced the newness of the world.

  The door opened and a couple entered the restaurant behind them.

  The woman was a sultry beauty. Makeup perfect, golden hair hung loose in waves around her shoulders. The black sheath she wore looked glued to her body. Her red lips curved in a smile at him as her eyes gave him an unabashed once-over. Ram knew that look. He’d seen it before. Three days ago he’d have gotten rid of her escort and taken her for himself. But now he felt nothing for her.

  He was fixated on Yael.

  Yael watched the woman enter the establishment. She saw Ram’s perusal of her and thought he looked a bit longer than necessary. Her initial response to his question would have been “I want to go home”.

  Not now.

  No matter her age, no matter the time—she was a woman.

  Seeing how the other’s eyes roved over his body, Yael wanted to scratch them out. The palms of her hands hurt. They were sore from the marks left by the pressure of her nails clutched there. The hussy! Amber flames flashed from her eyes as she reached for Ram’s arm. She turned to him and spoke overly loud.

  “No, I don’t wish to go home. I’m looking forward to our dinner. Could you show me the bath?”

  The woman looked at Ram as though he were for sale in a marketplace. Not a very ladylike thing to do. But considering who she looked at, Yael understood it. He had the same effect on her.

  All of her feminine wiles came to the forefront. She’d not be upstaged by this skinny creature.

  “The ladies’ room is this way,” Ram replied. He pointed out the bar and told her where he’d wait for her.

  Yael fumed, her cheeks red, as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. How dare he look at someone else while accompanying her! She would…what? What could she do?

  “Damn it.” She’d cursed for the second time today.

  If only she hadn’t added the extra length to the dress. The hussy’s costume had been even shorter than Yael’s original dress.

  Two females entered the room. One went into an enclosed booth and the other stood beside her and used a tube to paint her lips red. She watched as the woman ran her fingers through her hair then she bent forward and shook her head, which sent the hair in every direction. It now appeared fuller.

  The red dress she wore seemed to come just below her butt. The woman stretched it down an inch, which made no real difference.

  The other patron exited the enclosed booth and they both left.

  Yael looked at her hem and made a decision. She removed the added length of material.

  High-placed women painted their faces in her time and so did those who kept secret company with men. Desire sparked men’s eyes when they looked at these women. To see that same look in Ram’s eyes when they rested on her would be a delight.

  Yael, feeling bold, smiled at her face in the mirror. She had a plan.

  She didn’t have the benefit of paint, so she pinched her cheeks until they turned pink under the bright lights. She bit her lips to draw color to the surface and puff them a little. She pulled the knot out and bent forward to fluff her thick hair around her head.

  I am a woman.

  She exited the ladies’ room and so many eyes were on her as she moved across the floor, Yael’s body felt coiled and ready to spring. It was impossible to find Ram in the dimly lit room. She squinted at various faces, unused to the darkness.

  Finally, she spotted him. He’d moved from where he should have been. She used her hand to toss her thick curls out of her face and walked in his direction. She was nervous as a newborn colt. With just as much leg showing.

  What in God’s name had come over her? She’d never felt like this in her whole long life. Some of the customers stared, especially the males. Even with the shawl, her body shivered and she started to feel foolish. She wanted to disappear.

  Afraid to bang into something or vanish inside of a wall, she hadn’t tried her new powers or she would have used them now to vanish. Yael only wanted to cross the room without making a real fool of herself by falling off her new high shoes. Her knees knocked so badly, she doubted she’d make it.

  She was right.

  Yael reached for Ram’s mind and waited to feel the floor hit her after she stumbled.

  His face couldn’t hold a larger smile as he stood at the bar and waited for Yael’s return. Ram remembered the glint of jealousy that appeared in her eyes at his study of the woman at the entrance. And something else—his prim and proper Yael had claws, and she’d bared them!

  He didn’t have to be in her mind to know that. Her hands were clenched as shoulders went straight and her lips formed a determined line. The woman took a step back. She’d read Yael’s body language also. At the glare full of menace lodged in her direction, she’d made a hasty retreat with her escort.

  Ram marveled at women’s uncanny ability to spot competition.

  He liked the determination he heard in Yael’s usually soft voice when she said she looked forward to their meal together.

  Escorting her to the ladies’ room, he walked behind her just to see her hips work the seams of the
dress she wore. His cock reared its broad head as he thought about her sweet butt.

  While he waited for Yael to reappear, he saw the owner a short distance away and went to greet him and make arrangements for the private room. A long time passed as his fingers drummed with impatience on the bar beside his drink.

  Finally the door to the ladies’ room opened and she came out. His jaw dropped. So did a few other males in the room and he didn’t like the scent he picked up.


  The added hem was gone and he watched, mesmerized, as she pumped her hips across the room.

  He couldn’t move.

  Her hair looked as if she’d just crawled out of a love nest. Her lips were dark and puffed as though she’d been kissed long and hard. Her cheeks glowed with color. What struck him most were her eyes.

  Come-to-me-baby eyes.

  Oh. Hell. No. She did not flash them around the restaurant at every male in her path.

  Ram’s blood boiled and his eyes grew dark.

  Then he heard her panicked cry in his mind.


  No one saw him move to catch her. He held her so tight in his arms she couldn’t breathe. Yael kept her face pressed to his chest to hide the tears that stung her eyes.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman alive,” he said as he raised her chin and captured her lips in a scorching kiss.

  Everyone saw the passion in their kiss and Ram smiled when he lifted his lips from hers. Yael was red with embarrassment. She’d heard the sigh that went through the room.

  Ram pressed his palm low on her back and guided her to the private room. He didn’t need food. He wanted her. He walked close behind her to hide his cock, which stood at attention.

  He reminded himself to talk with Michael about the spell, the one that wouldn’t allow him to wish his hard-on away. Ram planned to be in Yael’s company for some time and he definitely needed that power back. He didn’t want to walk around led by his penis.

  “I’m sorry, I…”

  “Never be sorry that you’re a beautiful, desirable woman.”

  “I didn’t see you right away.”

  “I shouldn’t have moved. You’re safe now,” Ram said. “I need to explain more to you about the way things are here. I’m afraid I’ve rushed you into this.”

  “I feel so silly.”

  “Yael, I understand. Things are very different from when you lived on Earth.”

  “How can women be comfortable in so little clothing?”

  “Woman have changed and trust me, men like their new style of dress.”

  He watched the color creep back into her face and he surprised himself by thinking it endearing. This woman possessed no guile, no deceit. He began to understand what Nona may have meant.

  Was he pushing her to be something she should never be? He remembered the flash of anger he felt as the other men looked at her. But he also enjoyed the look of newness on her face. He could see that she felt sexy in her new clothes. He wanted to see that look more. He liked the strength and determination he’d heard in her voice earlier.

  He refused to keep her hidden in his domain. He wanted to see her face light up when she saw all the new things around her. He would just have to limit how much he introduced her to at one time.

  He also needed to be careful about what he felt for her.

  She would be sent back to Deborah after the babe was born.

  Ram’s head went up and his eyes swirled with blue fire. A familiar human scent reached him. With it was the essence of another angel, one he knew well.

  Raphael. Why was he here? Better yet, why did he bring her?

  He heard the angel’s modulated voice in the main room. Raph would know he was here. They often came to this establishment together. The soft knock on the door told him he’d been right.

  Ram didn’t want him near Yael. Especially tonight.

  Yael felt tension rise in the air. She saw fire in Ram’s eyes and wondered what caused it. She also thought his eyes did not seem so full of pain anymore. On two occasions now she looked into them and the cobalt flames hadn’t burned there and she wasn’t afraid. They didn’t disturb her as they had in the past.

  She caught a brief glimpse in his mind of Raphael. Did Ram feel her in his mind? It shocked her that he did not react. Ram seemed very upset. She turned crimson at doing something to him she’d asked him not to do. Yael should not meddle with his private thoughts. She had no right.

  But a more important problem existed.

  Meshing. It had gotten stronger.

  Michael wouldn’t tolerate that. Not after the debacle with the archangels long ago who took wives on Earth. Many of them were never allowed to return to Heaven.

  She trembled in fear and hoped Ram didn’t notice.

  “What a pleasant surprise,” Raph said as he entered the room—followed by Patricia. “Ahh, the lovely Yael. It’s so good to see you again.”

  Still in his mind, she felt Ram seethe as he watched the angel’s eyes rake her scantily clad body. He wished she’d left the hem on the now too-short dress and didn’t want her to get a chill without her shawl. She pulled the material over her shoulders.

  “Raph, what are you doing here?” Ram asked.

  “Oh come now, don’t act surprised to see me. You know I love this place. You remember Peter’s exulted? Patricia, I’m sure you remember Ram, and you know the beauty with him.”

  Yael knew Patricia well. And her tie with Ram. Everyone above had part of the story. She took in the slender body of the exulted and wondered what men found attractive about skinny women. Patricia could use a little meat on her bones. She pushed the awful, petty thought aside. Patricia was considered somewhat of a friend. Yael and Deborah had heard more of the tale than most.

  Ram had taken Patricia to Spain without Peter’s knowledge. It was still sketchy what happened there. But the exulted refused to return to her benefactor. Ram had disappeared and left her to her own devices. Which seemed to be many.

  Patricia used her power of enthrallment voraciously and had gathered men to her. She attracted the attention of a very powerful vampyre. Unable to locate Ram, Michael had sent Lucifer to retrieve the exulted and return her to Peter.

  Always bubbly and fun, she’d become a shell of her old self. Patricia seemed sad all the time. She stayed to herself and didn’t venture out anymore. Yael, in fact, was surprised to see her here.

  There were whispers that Michael put a spell on Ram to teach him a lesson. Her eyes squinted in his direction as Yael wondered about that.

  Patricia had insisted Ram never touched her. That he only helped her to go below because of her unhappiness in the heavens and her vile dislike of Peter. Yael believed her and wanted to do something to help her remain out of Peter’s clutches.

  “I’d invite you to join us, but we’re about to leave,” Ram said.

  “Don’t leave on our account. We only stopped by for a nightcap.”

  “Ahh, then have a good evening. Come, Yael, let’s return home.”

  “Good Lord, don’t tell me you’re keeping her in the damned swamp, Ram?” Raph sounded surprised.

  “That’s none of your concern.”

  Yael sat quietly and listened to both angels. She now spoke up.

  “Ram, if you’d like to leave, then let’s. But I’ve not seen Patricia for quite a while and I’d be pleased to have her visit with me. Do you think Peter would mind?”

  Aware of what Raph was up to, Ram had very little control left. This was what came of angels playing cruel games with each other. He’d used this same ploy many times to take women from Raphael. His blood raged through his veins in anger. He didn’t want Yael upset, but neither did he want her keeping company with Patricia. This could turn into a disaster.

  Patricia, much, much younger than Yael, had some serious issues. The Roaring Twenties affected many young women the same way. Knowing Peter’s penchant for hard, loose women, Ram knew why he selected her as his exulted.

No one believed him, but nothing had happened between the two of them. Peter was a deviant bastard and he’d helped her to escape him. If she had not used her powers of enthrallment and attracted the attention of the vampyre, she’d be free today.

  Ram thought he shouldn’t be unkind to Patricia. She had performed a very useful service for him while in the company of the vampyre by procuring information. He owed her something.

  “She may visit with you if it’s her wish.” This decision would bring unwanted trouble.

  “I don’t think… There’s Peter…” Patricia’s words were barely audible.

  “Don’t worry, Patty, I’ll take care of Peter. The apostle owes me a few favors.” Raphael’s eyes lit up like twinkling stars. What was he up to? This visit was intentional, and he’d planned all along to leave the other woman in Ram’s care. Bastard.

  Settling a scathing look of dislike on the archangel, Ram reached for Yael’s hand and pulled her tight to his body. His other hand grasped Patricia’s tightly and he vanished from the restaurant. Raphael would not follow him. Yet.

  Damn it. He hadn’t even fed her.

  Chapter Eight

  Ram had returned to the restaurant for two reasons. Though takeout wasn’t his idea of a romantic evening, he insisted Yael have the meal he wanted her to enjoy. And secondly, he searched for Raphael who was nowhere to be found. He’d looked for as long as he dared without drawing Michael’s attention. The hopeless ones called to him and he took better care of them than usual because now Michael watched him.

  It dawned on Ram that lately he really didn’t mind being the angel of hope. For some reason his heart felt lighter. This responsibility was truly an honor. To be so trusted by the Fates and Michael was indeed something that would have filled any angel with delight.

  After performing his duty, he had soared through the darkness and marveled at the brightness of the stars above him. A comet streaked close overhead, and on the off chance it might cause damage to an earth being, he broke it up. It showered around him and filled him with light and energy.