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Hope in Love Page 2

  His fingers drummed on the arms of the seat as he looked around the study. It reminded him of his own on Earth. Sumptuous and soft, burgundy leather covered overstuffed chairs and a small, matching settee, the highly polished wood floors covered here and there with priceless and colorful handwoven rugs. The walls were decorated with a one-of-a-kind paper that depicted, of all things, cherubs and doves.

  Only Michael and he got away with this much luxury in Heaven.

  Library shelves were lined with books, classics and biographies. He once told Ram that all of it, the luxury and the books, helped him to stay in touch with what man needed. They’d both pretty much fucked up this time. Neither was “in touch”.

  Michael looked up at the surly tone he heard in Ramiel’s voice. He’d also caught a glimpse of the sarcastic thought lodged in his mind. His friend was upset. He didn’t wonder at what caused it. Without an invasion into Ram’s private thoughts, he already knew. The angel of hope wore every thought on his face and in his hardened, dark blue, fathomless eyes. Michael, unlike many, didn’t see it as a weakness. He waited, knowing Ram would speak when he was ready.

  “She will come to me tomorrow. I thought it better for her to be in my domain.”

  “Do you think that is a good idea?” His eyes were glued to Ram. “You are only to get her with child, Ramiel. Nothing else.”

  “Shit, Michael, none of this is a good idea. Why can’t we go down there and wipe these foul creatures off the face of the earth? Why can’t we dispense with the bullshit and games and finish this?”

  “What is the real problem, Ram? I will not answer your question because you know why.” His hand slashed through the air. “Because of your dealings with men, I’ve given much leeway on language but must you be so crude in my presence?”

  “Why didn’t you ask Raphael to do this? He’s such a bastard anyway and this would be right up his alley. Why did you choose me?” Ram glared at him from under raised brows.

  No angel questioned Michael. He wasn’t called by his other name for nothing. The angel of death was a power to be reckoned with. Ram pushed the envelope. His friend suspected something else amiss here.

  “I haven’t seen you in such a state for some time. Tell me what really bothers you? And remember, I’ve known for many years of your involvement, no matter how slight, in this sordid affair.” His implication went ignored. Ram had been aware of Gabriel’s misdeed with the prophet. He had stood by and done nothing. Had Ram informed him in time, he could have intervened. Now it was in the hands of the Fates. And their powers were not to be trifled with.

  “I want her in my bed, under me, around me. I want her in every way I can possibly have her. Do you understand?”

  “So have her. It’s never bothered you before.” Michael looked directly at him.

  “Yael is not like the others. I need her to want me, and I don’t even know why.”

  Before he replied, Ram vanished. Michael smiled. Of course he had made the right choice. The time had come for the angel of hope to feel hopeful once again.

  After all, Ram was one of his and the Father’s favorites. And Michael wanted to keep him from the depraved activity he sought so much of. His debauched behavior had become a problem, and this assignment should take up enough of his time to keep him under control.

  Things were changing for angels. Even the Father was aware they needed to evolve to deal with men and all they had done to the promised land given them. They had to become more like humans, live like men. Feel like them. Or God’s children could never be saved.

  Gone were the white robes, symbolic of a gentler time. Of course, some angels had taken their freedom to the extreme. Michael couldn’t stand to lose the angel of hope from his ranks.

  The universe would not survive that blow.

  * * * * *

  She had needed to hear Ramiel say that she or the infant would mean nothing to him. That was the only way Yael thought to keep her heart and soul from him. She’d tumbled headlong into those fathomless blue eyes he turned on her. She must find a reason to dislike him because he was right.

  She would enjoy her time with him.

  Still, the idea of creating a life to save others did not appeal to her. But she didn’t have a choice in the matter. She could not even blame him for that. The Fates decreed it. But they would not have to decree she love her child. She’d cherish their babe, love her enough for the both of them. So why did she feel this pull toward him?

  Her heart pounded. She’d never spoken to one of them in such a curt manner. They were angels, supreme. She must do as she was asked. Deborah made it sound like there was a choice, but there wasn’t. The damn Fates.

  Many lifetimes had been spent with these angels, and though some were good, many were sexual deviants. Ramiel fit into the latter category. She’d heard many stories. The heavenly halls rang often with legendary accounts of his conquests, here and on Earth. Her heart wrenched at the fact that now her name would be added to those horrid tales.

  She walked away from the palace, not ready to face her benefactor. She didn’t notice the blooms on her favorite magnolia tree, its scent held on the breeze. Nor did she see the brilliant colors of wild flowers that flanked the walkway, or her precious blood-red lilies she had planted with her own hands. She saw only the cold, desolate sea of pain that spread out before her.

  I will give him only what I must.

  Yael grew tired of walking and thinking. As she went back through Deborah’s gardens, she stopped and looked at the magnolia. Everything was always in full bloom in Heaven. She breathed deeply of the fragrance of the tree. It soothed her as no other in the garden.

  Maybe this wasn’t a bad idea. It would be like her home. She would make Ramiel’s garden her garden and he would be hers. For a little while. Her face grew warm with a flush as her body trembled. She must be careful. She would tell Deborah that she intended to stay with the archangel until the babe’s birth.

  “Are you sure this is wise?” Deborah paced Yael’s room. “If you remain here, you will not have to suffer him often.”

  “It will be for the best.” She couldn’t say to her friend that she really wanted to be alone with him. If they got to know each other, it might be easier to bear. It would not seem arranged. She’d decided the only way to do this was to pretend it was a mating of love, that she and Ramiel were together because they wanted to be. Not because the Fates decreed it.

  Sometimes she could read Deborah’s mind, and the prophetess thought it a mistake to go to his home. She even meant to visit the Fates on Yael’s behalf to change their minds and find someone else for this duty. She thought her too gentle for the undertaking.

  I am not as gentle as she believes me to be.

  * * * * *

  Ramiel had watched Yael climb the stairs and disappear inside. What the fuck was he doing here? He went to the magnolia tree and stood in the same spot she had. He breathed deeply of the tree and the scent of woman and shivered with delight. Her smell made him envision being buried inside her. If she was still there, he’d take her hard. Put an end to his craziness.

  He would get a tree like this for her, for his garden. He’d do that now. He disappeared in a halo of white light.

  * * * * *

  “This is such a surprise. What brings you here?” Gabriel’s brows knitted together in shock. Ram hated Montana, didn’t like cold climes at all and usually stayed as far from them as possible.

  “Magnolia trees.” How could he explain his situation and not have Gabe laugh at him. Plus, he must to be very careful how much he divulged to the archangel. His tryst with the exulted would affect the outcome of his and Ezekiel’s game with the vampyres.


  “I’ve seen many, but where can I find the best? One that is already in bloom and absolutely perfect?” He felt Gabe’s probe at his mind and strengthened his mental shields against the intrusion.

  “What on earth do you need with a blooming magnolia tree?”

bsp; “It’s a gift.”

  “Hmm, I see. A gift. Have you gone absolutely mad, Ram? Most men take a bunch of flowers, a dozen roses or something like that. The whole tree would be overkill, don’t you think? And since when have you needed to take anything but yourself?”

  “She’s special.”

  “Very special I would say.”

  “Stop fucking with me and tell me where I can find one. I don’t have much time.”

  “New Orleans has the best. They should be blooming as we speak.”

  “Thank you. Oh, and red lilies, buckets of them that I can plant at my home.”

  “You have lost your mind. You need to get out more. Try Home Depot. They carry a variety of what you’re looking for.” He’d caused Gabe to be curious and wonder what he was up to. “Why don’t you use magic and be—”

  “No, no, no. They must be planted with my own hands. I’ll see you later, I have to hurry.” Yael had planted hers with her own hands. He should do the same.

  He searched New Orleans endlessly to find a magnolia with the most perfect flowers. He would get the tree and plant it today. He’d surprise her with red lilies blooming everywhere in a matter of weeks.

  Having spotted a nice specimen to unearth, he heard the voice.

  “You crazy bastard, what the fuck are you doing?”

  That was what he needed, questions from Lucifer. He decided to ignore him as he began to shovel at the dirt around the base of the tree. The roots seemed to go on forever. Then he heard Gabe.

  “I told you he’s serious.”

  “Both of you go away, leave me alone.” He still refused to use his powers in any way for the task. The heat he loved stifled him and sweat poured copiously down his bare back. He didn’t need these two to bother him. He was on a mission and had to be quick. She would arrive tomorrow.

  “Ram, man, listen to me.”

  “Go back to Hell, Luke. And screw you, Gabe. Must you tell him everything?”

  He’d dug long enough. He pulled the whole tree up from the soil, and with the roots trailing behind, he disappeared. He left a rupture in the earth that gaped up at the sky.

  At home he deposited the tree in the hole he opened with his mind and stood back to survey his work. Perfect. She’d love it.

  Back on Earth, he searched for the nearest Home Depot with red lilies in stock.

  Christ, I have lost my fucking mind!

  Chapter Three

  On occasion Ram had considered an exulted of his own. Michael chided him often, saying what a sad state of affairs when the angel of hope could not find a single earthling whom he felt deserved elevation.

  Many angels became attached to people below. If the human performed an exemplary service in God’s name, they would be elevated when their time of death came. Exulted held lofty positions within their benefactor’s household and often became their best friend. Treated royally, they weren’t expected to serve anyone.

  He’d used the exulteds of his peers without remorse to ease the fullness of his shaft, but Ram never brought one of his playthings here or to his domain on Earth for that matter. Why? Some held him captivated for more than a brief period. But the invitation to visit his personal space remained absent. None ever saw what he called home.

  Of course if he had an exulted right now they’d be tossed out on their ass until he finished with Yael. Michael wouldn’t like that. It was a good thing he didn’t have one. Ram couldn’t believe the lengths he was prepared to go to. His need to get her in his domain and under his full protection burned in him like a volcanic fissure.

  Yael and he would be alone.

  His palace, wrapped in magic, gave him the ability to know when anyone approached. Ram immediately and shamelessly entered her mind when he felt Yael near. He should give her privacy. With others it never mattered so he left their thoughts alone. He vowed to himself he would stay out of hers once she was comfortable. He must be careful because those elevated often possessed heightened senses with the ability to read minds themselves. Some even wielded minor magic if their angel allowed it.

  Yael could move the winds and bring storms.

  He greeted her at his door. Heaven, like Earth, was renowned for its elite neighborhoods. He lived in what he referred to in a sarcastic manner as “Heaven’s Riviera”. The elite of the elite resided here. Michael often chastised him for his debasement of the hierarchy.

  Recently, for the smallest infraction, Raphael had been located to another, less ritzy, area. And he showed his dislike of the situation often and loud. Ram didn’t want to link with Michael now so he made a note in his mind to speak to him later regarding the archangel. His attention now was on Yael.

  “Welcome to my domain.” Ram felt as nervous as a boy in his first throes of love. He’d never been so flustered. What was this woman doing to him? She clouded his normal rational senses. And he hadn’t even wondered yet about his constant state of arousal whenever he saw her. He prided himself on his control. Even now he battled a stiff erection that pushed insistently against the slacks his good sense told him to wear today.

  He took her through his home, and when they reached the room they would share, Ram opened the door and showed her inside. He loved comfort and this was his favorite place. Spacious and bright with floor-length windows that overlooked the grounds. A comfortable sitting area with a chaise for relaxing and sumptuous, velvet-covered chairs for reading. Muted teal colors accented with coral were his colors of choice. It brought to mind the sea and its calming energies. Bookshelves that held many of the same classics as Michael’s study graced one wall.

  Ram blatantly used his power to every advantage. His domain reflected night and day. He’d found after many years of delivering hope to the masses on Earth that he liked the variety of light and dark humans experienced. When night fell, soft lights dotted the room. He found it very sensual. In his mind he could see the play of it dance on Yael’s caramel skin. Her round ass brushed by the golden rays that would glance across the bed. The sheen of moisture between her thighs. Damn it. I’ve got to stop this. His cock grew so hard, it hurt to breathe.

  He mentally opened the glass doors, outside of which stood the magnolia he’d planted for her delight. The sweet smell drifted into the room. Ram watched as the scent of the tree engulfed Yael and tears gathered in her eyes. He again read her mind. She hadn’t expected to find something here that would bring her such comfort, and she envisioned the many hours she’d spend under it.

  “I love magnolias. It’s very beautiful.”

  “I’m glad you like it. You can spend many hours relaxing there.”

  “May I ask something of you, Ramiel?”

  “Please, call me Ram. And you may ask for anything.”

  “I would like my thoughts to be treated with respect and privately as my own.”

  “Of course, as you wish.” Hell.

  “Thank you.”

  “The bathroom is over there.” He pointed to a door across the room. “Lunch is prepared. When you’re ready, please join me. Outside and to your left are stairs that will bring you down to the patio. Take your time. It’s only fruit, some cheese and wine. I hope that’s to your liking?”

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  Quick to escape his presence, she moved in the direction he pointed. “I won’t be long.”

  Damn it, he’d been in her mind and aware of her desire to spend hours under the tree. Somehow she’d gotten him to promise not to invade her private thoughts. Yeah, I’ve lost it.

  Ram vanished to the patio. He wouldn’t stop using his magic. She’d get used to it. Her benefactor believed in doing things the old way. He didn’t. His long and difficult life had led him to use everything at his disposal to make time easier and more exciting.

  Perhaps he would share some of his… What am I thinking? Already, he wanted to give her more abilities. What was happening to him? He needed to be very careful with his powers—they were great. To share them would be disastrous.

k what Ezekiel had done with Gabriel’s magic. Michael turned a blind eye to this practice, but that was bound to change one day.

  He stood with a glass of wine and looked out over the water as he waited for Yael to appear. Ram was not usually impatient. Anxious glances at the stairs told him he couldn’t wait to see her again, smell her. Though his penis lay docile between his legs, the moment she appeared it would rear its large, leaking head and search her out. He’d allow her time to adjust, but it wreaked havoc with his nerves. Hell, she’d only been there minutes.

  It crossed his mind how she avoided his bed with her eyes. It was huge because it needed to accommodate his large frame. Chinese silk covered it. He loved how the cool sheets felt against his naked body. Her tanned skin would be beautiful against them. He could picture her thick, coppery hair spread across the pillows as he stroked deeply inside her wet canal.

  He thought to rush his sunset and bedtime, but decided against it. Maybe take her in broad daylight right here on the patio. Being with her for hours, unable to touch or have her, would drive him absolutely nuts.

  Perhaps Michael had been right. He should take her and have done with it.

  He disliked the indecision that took residence in his ordered mind. He decided after lunch he’d go below, see if he could disperse hope somewhere.

  Give her time to settle in.

  * * * * *

  “Thank you.” Yael whispered to her image in the mirror. Since coming through the front door, and apart from asking Ram to stay out of her thoughts, it seemed to be all she could utter. She felt silly.

  She didn’t have to wonder how he’d known she arrived. Most angels were blatant in the use of their extraordinary abilities, particularly to protect their domains. They would know right away of anything out of the ordinary. Sneaking up on one was unheard of. Undoubtedly Ramiel had read her mind, though she had not felt him there. She must be careful of her thoughts of him. But if he wanted to read her, she couldn’t stop him.